
Ex boyfriend vs. Best friend

Have you ever been in a situation where you have to choose between your ex and your best friend? Well, to tell you the truth, i haven't. LOL. A little birdie ask me: Between ex and best friend, who should she choose? That kept me thinking about this because at that time, i just don't know what to respond to her.

We all (i mean, most of us) have seen movies like this all the time. The girl loves the ex, the ex is still an ass, and the best friend who is always there but seems invisible to her. Even twilight saga portrays this kind of love-triangle situation.

So what can you take from all this? To settle for someone who is just made for you? or to go off with someone who just makes your heart pounds so hard that it just might explode?

Here is what i think, if i were in that position, i would just follow what my heart tells me. If it tells me to go with the one who makes my heart goes dup..dap..dup..dap. Then i would. But i should also consider the one who treat me better. To be with someone, it is just not enough by following what your heart tells you. Because, if your heart tells you that its okay to settle with someone who does not appreciate you, ignores you and hurts you, than no! He is NOT worth it.

Back to the question. Number 1, your ex. He may be the one who hurt you or you hurt last time, but if you had loved him once, i am sure that feeling may come again. Number 2, your best friend. He is the one you are most comfortable with, the one who is there for you anytime and the one who understands you most but you never seem to see him as more than a friend.

Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. Now which one? For some people, they would not choose their ex because yeah, he is the one who made you cry remember? Or they might, because the ex seemed to have changed somehow. And for some people, they would not choose the best friend because they don't want to risk the good friendship they had so far. But for those who could take that risk, then, good for them.

Love is a gamble. You might not know what would you end up with. As long as you put your act together, i think you would be fine. It is important to sometimes listen to what your brain is trying to tell you. I know it is hard because I, myself is always emotional when it comes to this sort of thing. But you wouldn't know till you try right?

Hence, the best answer lies in you. Good Luck. =)

~ivy starzz~


  1. mode:sya masih merajuk..huh!!
    nih..pesal cte twilight gak nk bg example.
    silamat ari raya o...

  2. huhu...jgn la merajuk laling =)
    da cite nie yg aku teringat pown..
    tima kasih membaca..
    selamat hari raya..
    maaf zahir n batin
